APCH HOPE Foundation Inc.
The APCH HOPE Foundation was created to support our youth with educational scholarships, Extra curricular activities, Uniforms for school and sports teams, tutoring as well as computer purchase stipends and books and supplies that may be needed towards education.
APCH HOPE foundation's mission is to be able to meet the need or at least provide support for our youth in the community as well as our congregation.
Our children are the future leaders of the world and it is essential that they have the tools and the proper foundation towards education.
We must lead by example not only with providing a spiritual foundation for our youth, but we also are
responsible with providing the tools needed for our youth to succeed.
Our foundation will also provide each youth with a mentor to guide them along the way.
Through the support of donations we can all make this happen.
Finally, we thank you in advance for your donations and time.
Cash App $1apchchurch
A Place Called Hope Church
205 E. Garner Rd
Garner, NC 27529