Resources- COVID-19
As we continue to face new challenges and realities with the precautions put in place to manage COVID-19, we are faced with doing things a bit differently just as you are. The one thing that will NOT change is the LOVE we have for one another. We are working to create new ways for us to come together while honoring the guidelines put in place to keep us safe.
We will be updating our website with information about ways to join us by phone, web-conference, and some other creative was to still be in community! You will also be receiving information regarding ways you join us, schedule of virtual events, and opportunities to volunteer remotely!
In the meantime, if you need anything or if you know of anyone who would benefit from some additional care or other resources, please let me know!
We will get through this together!
Love and Peace,
Bishop Vivian Murphy- Hutcheson
Accessing Services Amid the COVID-19 Outbreak
Because people are encouraged to stay home and avoid crowded places,
Wake County is sharing some ways that residents can access services
without coming to our Human Services buildings.
To apply for Medicaid, people have three options:
You may apply online at
You may mail applications to: Wake County Human Services, P.O. Box
46833, Raleigh, N.C. 27620.
You may apply by calling 919-212-7000.
Medicaid questions can be emailed to
Food and Nutrition Services
To apply for food and nutrition services, people may:
Apply online at
Mail applications to: Wake County Human Services, P.O. Box 46833,
Raleigh, N.C. 27620
Questions related to Food and Nutrition Services can be emailed to
If you need to speak to your case worker, call 919-212-7000.
Energy Assistance
Most utility providers are not currently disconnecting service during
the COVID-19 outbreak. However, you can obtain an application for
energy assistance by calling 919-212-7000 or downloading an
application here.
Childcare Subsidy
To apply for assistance with childcare costs, email Questions about childcare subsidy can be
answered by calling 919-212-7000.
Transit Operations
GoRaleigh, GoCary, GoTriangle, and GoWake Access are taking additional
precautionary measures due to COVID-19.
These measures include additional applications of commercial
disinfectants, and spraying and wiping door handles, common areas and
surfaces including handrails, fareboxes and seat backs. Hand sanitizer
is available for bus operators and the public.
Transit riders are encouraged to call the Regional Information Center
at 919-485-RIDE with questions or visit GoTriangle’s updated
information here.