APCH -Social Distancing Park & Praise Worship Disclaimer
Every First Sunday of the Month we will have Park & Praise Worship Service in the Parking Lot at APCH Church. Please adhere to the following Government Ordinance:
In order to comply with NC law, with social distancing for our first Sunday Communion which will be held in our parking lot.
We encourage the use of cloth face coverings
Please remain in your vehicles at all times.
Mark six feet (6') of spacing in the parking lot.
Deacons will have hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes/sprays available at drive up if needed.
Deacons that will be participating by wearing gloves and washing hands frequently. The Deacons will use hand sanitizer in between communion.
Deacons that will be participating will wear a mask at all times and post signs reminding everyone it is mandatory that we use social distancing.
Wear gloves at all times for all others in social distancing services.
Note: If you have to use the restroom please enter from the back of the church one person at a time with an escort from the security team.
Thank you for your understanding of this matter.